Episode IV - Hope This Works

Welcome to Got Me A Movie. I'm almost positive that the Internet doesn't have any sites dedicated to motion pictures. I seek to rectify this. Within this blog you will find previews of movies, reviews of movies and if I can keep my laptop cool enough, uploaded images from movies.

I think it's worth noting that I have absolutely no major connections within the industry, so you can rest assured that everthing you read here is utterly uninformed. That is my guarantee to you.

You stay classy.

Friday 12 March 2010

Mikey's Musings: The Happy Gilmore Effect

Years ago two brilliant, yet criminally overlooked media scholars devised a theory. They theorised that all films, regardless of genre, should, at their most base level not only engage but entertain the audience. They called it The Happy Gilmore Effect.

For those of you who don't know, Happy Gilmore is a cinematic masterpiece. A warm and touching character piece that deftly charts a man over coming personal and professional obstacles to achieve an insurmountable goal whilst also examining the fickle nature of celebrity and the psychological impact of losing a father.

It also includes the following exchange...

A film will obviously fail entirely if it doesn't engage, but only a handful of pictures achieve that alchemic reaction that Happy Gilmore accomplishes and truly entertain. It doesn't just have to be a comedy. A thriller should thrill, a documentary should inform and a romantic comedy should, well, do whatever it is they do. Happy Gilmore was used as a yardstick to measure if a film succeeded in this regard. There were some successes, some noble attempts and some failures. As they recorded their findings they made a startling discovery, The Happy Gilmore Effect led them indirectly to an earlier theory they called The Emperors New Clothes Syndrome.

As you would expect films suffering The Emperors New Clothes Syndrome are typically films that people THINK are brilliant. Early reviews will heap token accolades onto the film in an attempt to perhaps preempt the swell of critical gushing lest they be in the minority. Films with TENCS are typically released by well respected directors "returning to form" or perhaps deal with a touching subject "that will melt your heart and reaffirm your love for life".

It takes a real hero to stand up and say "Actually, it was a bit crap."

When it became apparent that there may be a connection between The Happy Gilmore Effect and TENCS the research was combined and the results were staggering.

The above graph displays quite clearly the incredible correlation between the Token Accolades given and the rating on the Gilmometer, and yet when these two unsung heroes presented their findings, they were ignored by the masses and shunned by their peers.

Well, they are shunned no longer! I intend to honour these brave souls who refused to be quiet and swallow spoon fed opinions. To celebrate their controversial yet vital work I will be applying their patented Gilmometer to my reviews, each film will be granted "Happy's out of ten".

I invite you to do the same. Rewatch a favourite of yours, a film you consider perfect, with this new theory in mind. If it still places high on this new yardstick, well then, you are watching a true masterwork.


Dan The Media Man said...

Love this and couldn't agree more! I shall stand shoulder to shoulder with you and declare:
What a pile of unentertaining crap The Hurt Locker is!

This system is also what I use to rate films and 'the entertainment value' is and shall remain my main reason for calling Iron Man superior to The Dark Knight. Technical brilliance does not make a great movie. Brilliant and entertaining storytelling does!

Make someone cry and you've done something many, MANY films have done. Make someone laugh and cry and applaud and smile and you'll have a film to remember!

Dan The Media Man said...

p.s: I want to watch Happy Gilmore again now! "You're gunna die clooooown!"

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